Kratos AXIS ULTRA X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer


Kratos AXIS ULTRA X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer offers advanced capability of high sensitivity, high energy resolution and high lateral resolution image analyses. 

Technical Characteristics

  • Sampling Depths: <10 nm and variable with ARXPS
  • Spectroscopy: large area analysis: 300x700 μm and small areas analysis 100-15 μm
  • Imaging: parallel and real-time, FOV (200-700 μm), and lateral resolution: <5 μm
  • X-ray sources: dual anode: Mg and monochromatic Al
  • Ion source: sputtering and cleaning samples

Other Characteristics


  • Identification of all elements (except H and He) present in the outermost 10 nm of a surface in concentrations > 0.1 atomic %
  • High energy resolution: information about the molecular environment (oxidation state, bonding atoms, etc.)
  • Quantitative: determination of elemental surface composition (2% or better)


Fast parallel imaging:

  • Information on lateral variation in composition (spatial resolution down to 5 μm)
  • Real-time parallel detection that allows high quality chemical images to be obtained in only a few seconds
  • Multispectral image acquisitions combine high energy resolution and high spatial resolution allowing analysis of lateral distribution of chemical states

Multi-point spectroscopy:

  • The incorporated electrostatic deflection system allows easy multi-point analysis to be carried out from within the imaged field of view without translating the sample
  • Small area analysis from down to 15μm areas by conventional experiments

Depth profiling:

  • Non-destructive depth profiling using Angle-Resolved XPS in outer 10nm
  • Destructive depth profiling several hundreds of nm into the sample
  • Ion gun for in-situ sample cleaning


AML 273

User Rates

Internal $60/hour
External Academic $90/hour
External Industry $120/hour
Data Analysis $75/hour


To schedule time on this instrument or to learn more about its capabilities and user fees, etc. please contact:

Angelica Benavidez
Research Assistant Professor, Center for Micro Engineered Materials, Chemical & Biological Engineering 