Atomic Resolution Aberration Correction Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
We have recently (early 2021) installed a state-of-the-art JEOL NEOARM 200 kV aberration corrected STEM/TEM instrument ($2.5M) funded by NSF and the University of New Mexico in the Nanomaterials Characterization Facility in the PAIS building. This instrument is a probe-corrected instrument with the ultrahigh resolution (UHR) pole piece, which will provide single atom imaging capabilities in STEM mode with a resolution of 71 pm. The instrument will be unique in the US in being the only NEOARM currently installed with the UHR pole piece.
The NEOARM has a cold FEG emitter with an energy resolution of 0.31 eV. In TEM mode the point-to-point resolution is the same as our 2010F instrument of 0.19 nm. The NEOARM will be calibrated in STEM aberration corrected mode to operate at 200 kV, 80 kV and 40 kV, providing exceptional versatility for imaging a wide range of different materials including beam sensitive organic materials.
The instrument is also be equipped with two JEOL SDD 100 mm2 EDS detectors for high-speed X-ray analysis and mapping down to the atomic scale. The EDS detectors are controlled by JEOL EDS software, but we have also purchased the Oxford Instruments AZtec EDS software system with their complete suite of analytical packages for full spectral EDS mapping including real time X-ray imaging and full background corrected quantified EDS maps.
The instrument also has tomographic imaging sample holders, which will enable tomographic imaging in STEM and EDS modes of thin samples and small particles enabling 3D reconstructions of complex fine-grained materials. We have also recently been successful in obtaining funding from the NASA Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities program to acquire a Gatan Continuum ER image filter (GIF)/electron energy loss spectrometer for the NEOARM. This instrument will enable spectroscopic studies of oxidation states in metals at the nanoscale, single atom chemical mapping and bonding characteristics in a wide range of materials. The EELS system will enable us to take advantage of the excellent energy resolution of the cold FEG on the NEOARM for spectral imaging and will also enable so-called ‘soft’ EELS of sensitive biological materials in low kV mode (40 kV).
- Acceleration Voltage: 40–200 kV
- Calibrated also for beam sensitive organic/biological materials
- Cold FEG emitter with an energy resolution of 0.31 eV
- Point to point resolution: 0.19 nm (TEM mode)
- Scanning TEM resolution: 71 pm
- 3D Tomographic Imaging in STEM and EDS mode
PAIS Building, Nanomaterials Characterization Facility
To schedule time on this instrument, or to learn more about its capabilities and user fees, etc. please contact:
Adrian BrearleyDistinguished Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Director, Nanomaterials Characterization Facility
505 507 0448