Recent News

Mid-Career Researcher Award
April 25, 2019
Hongyou Fan, Sandia National Laboratories and The University of New Mexico Self-Assembly of Functional Nanoscale Materials The Mid-Career Researcher Award recognizes exceptional achievements in materials research made by mid-career professionals. Endowed by MilliporeSigma. Read More...

Datye recipient of 2019 Burwell Lectureship in Catalysis
March 4, 2019
The Robert Burwell Lectureship in Catalysis is given in recognition of substantial contributions to one or more areas in the field of catalysis with emphasis on discovery and understanding of catalytic phenomena, catalytic reaction mechanisms and identification and description of catalytic sites and species. Read More...

Brinker elected as Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences
April 19, 2018
"This is an extremely prestigious honor, which recognizes the groundbreaking scientific work that Jeff has for many years been involved with at both UNM and through his joint appointment with Sandia National Laboratories," said Christos Christodoulou, Jim and Ellen King Dean of Engineering and Computing. Read More...